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قديم 06-20-2022, 05:52 PM رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي لاليك ماء تواليت لينسومي ما فورس 98مل

  • تم إطلاق هذا العطر في عام 2018 من قبل فابريس بيليجرين
نظرة عامةThe name Lalique evokes the brilliance of jewellery, the wonder of transparency, and the brilliance of crystal. Before it became a brand name, it was the name of a man, an artist of genius, René-Jules Lalique and of his heirs who shared his creative flame. René Lalique was born in Aÿ-en-Champagne in the Marne region of France. Some years later, the Lalique family moved to Paris but continued to spend holidays in Aÿ. René Lalique remained deeply attached to his birthplace throughout his life. Following the death of his father, René Lalique became an apprentice to craftsman and jeweller Louis Aucoc. It was during this time that he learned jewellery-making techniques, while attending classes at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. He then left for England where he continued his studies for two more years. In 1885, after gaining recognition as an independent designer for some of the great jewellery Houses such as Jacta, Cartier and Boucheron, René Lalique took over the workshop of jeweller Jules Destape on Place Gaillon in Paris.
نفحات قاعديةWoody Notes, Cashmere Wood, Amberاسم اللونشفاف/فضيالقسمرجالالنفحات الوسطى/الأساسيةLavender, Violet Leaf, Camphor, Rosemary
اسم الموديلL&#x27;Insoumis Ma Forceرقم الموديل50099العطور/النفحاتخشبيةالحجم98 مل



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